WOD Friday 27/06/2014

A) Three rounds each for time of:

Run 800m

(Rest 2mins between efforts)


Rest 5 mins then,


B) Three attemps at a max distance (m) Hand Stand Walk


Post times for each effort and distance to comments.






9 Comments on “WOD Friday 27/06/2014

  1. Congrats to Leigha on her effort on the burpee mile at 5am this morning.

    Also to Adam on getting his first strict Handstand Push-up and a good load of metres on the Handstand walk.

    • Huge congrats Adam. That is terrific news!!!!! Well done mate. 🙂

    • Thanks guys loving my crossfit at the moment. Happy birthday Justin and well done Leigha massive effort.

  2. Happy birthday Justin. Hope you have a fantastic day.

  3. I was going to post “Is Leigha finished her burpee mile yet?” but I see she has. Good perseverance. Well done!