WOD Monday 11/06/2012, QUEENS BIRTHDAY!!

NOTE: A reminder that there is only one session at 8am today due to the public holiday!!

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
Rest 2 minutes

Post times to comments.

Bianca battling with HOPE!!

11 Comments on “WOD Monday 11/06/2012, QUEENS BIRTHDAY!!

  1. Hi Guys and Gals, Kurt’s working tomorrow morning, so we will be going out to the box at 4 in the arvy to do this wod if anyone wants to join us.

    PS Love your abs Bianca!!

  2. 8am
    Matty.F 3.12/3.02/3.08
    Karen 3.13/3.17/3.15 (Row)
    Lauren 3.04/3.19/3.10
    Kristen 3.20/3.15/3.15 (Row)
    Tommy Deadlift (3’s) 150kg/ Back Squat (3’s) 90kg
    Paula 3.30/3.30/3.30
    Livdogs 3.53/4.13/4.02
    Chazza 3.57/4.07/4.01
    Scotty.E 3.54/4.24/4.06
    Hulk 2.59/3.01/3.04
    Carlie 5.45/5.51/4.40
    Bianca 3.07/3.24/3.17
    Pete 2.49/2.57/3.04
    Shelbs 6.18/4.40/4.12 (mod)
    Hayley 3.33/3.35/3.50
    Shano.C 2.32/2.45/2.50
    Michelle 3.55/4.02/4.04 (Row)
    Mick 2.34/2.40/2.40
    Kurt.H ??

  3. Hey guys I’ll be opening up the box at 4 this Arvo if anyone wants to come in and join for today’s wod

  4. 4pm
    Kurt.N 3.08/3.16/3.13
    Corina 3.58/3.53/4.02
    Aido 2.25/2.45/2.50
    Ryno 2.29/2.48/2.51
    JFK 2.41/2.56/2.55

  5. Some nice times there boys!!! Onya’s …….

  6. Just did today’s WOD

    3.54, 4.11, 4.18

    3.33, 3.28, 3.21

  7. 100 pushups for time (9.25)
    100 situps for time (5.09)