WOD Monday 20/04/2015

A) 15mins to find your 4RM
Hang power clean

-From the top of the knee.


B) 10 rounds of:
Hang power clean for 15 seconds
Rest 45 seconds

-Go heavy.

Post loads and number of reps completed to comments.




4 Comments on “WOD Monday 20/04/2015

  1. Brilliant morning of lifting today guys, the improvements are outstanding!!

    Congrats and cheers to Sue on her 3 yrs of loyalty today to the Green Machine, what a ride it has been for you. Appreciate your support 🙂

    • Thanks Coach for letting me start this journey with you so proud to be part of such a wonderful community 🙂

  2. 4RM hang power clean 60kg
    3 rounds of 10 KB swings (24kg), 20 push ups, 30 sit ups
    1 round max strict pull ups (7).