WOD Saturday 11/12/10

In teams of 1 or 2 Complete:

Run 800m
100 Dumbell Push Press
100 Dumbell Hang Power Clean
100 Dumbell Lunge
Run 800m

Each station must be completed before moving to the next.
Only one person to work at onetime. Weight for individual or
team will be chosen by the trainer.

Post load and time to comments.

4 Comments on “WOD Saturday 11/12/10

  1. 6am .com
    For time:
    50 Box jump, 24 inch box
    50 Jumping pull-ups
    50 Kettlebell swings, 16kg
    Walking Lunge, 50 steps
    50 Knees to elbows
    50 Push press, 20kg barbell
    50 Back extensions
    50 Wall ball shots, 10kg ball
    50 Burpees
    50 Double unders

    Mick 21.54 rxd
    Cliff 24.35 rxd

    Michael (8kg) (welcome)

    Albert (7kg)
    Aaron (4kg)

    Robert (6kg)
    Chanelle (5kg)

    Tamara (5kg)
    Mim (5kg)

  2. Hey all! got to visit CrossFit Whistler and do their Team WOD (its your sunday now but my Saturday here) Oh and Mick believe it or not their WOD yesterday your Sat was FGB, what a coincidence hey! anyways here’s what I’ve done.


    Buy In:
    3 rounds
    10 hip extensions
    10 lunges
    10 sec L-sits

    Max height Box Jumps (mine was 27.5 too scarred to do the 30 ha ha)

    in teams of 2
    2 minutes each for max reps
    2 rounds
    shoot throughs
    ball slams
    ring dips
    knees to elbows

    Total rep for myself and partner Judy was 398.

    P.s Its f%#%ing freezing here, ha ha. lots n lots of snow, missing you all. I’ll post some pics on FB. X K

  3. Yeah well done to Brucey and Rob in the Clash, also to the guys who turned up to cheer them on, thankyou!!

    Awesome work Deegs, look forward to seeing all the pics!

    To Giles and Pam have a great trip away and a Happy and safe Christmas with your family, train hard and stay in touch.