WOD Thursday 16/01/2014

Ten rounds for time of:

100 metre Sprint

Rest 90 seconds


Post times for fastest and slowest effort to comments.


Danny Broflex – seems legit!! 😉


10 Comments on “WOD Thursday 16/01/2014

  1. In the words of Gorgeous George, “This is gonna get Messy!!”
    Snatch 2000.

  2. Haha I want the shirt the dude is wearing at the end of the clip!!

  3. 5am (Fastest and slowest time overall)
    Lauren.Y 19-23
    Stevo 12-14
    Tommy.G mod WOD
    Matty.G 12-16
    Carolyn 15-17
    Latch 13-15
    Britt 14-17
    Mick.L 14-17
    Bel 16-20
    Brooke 19-20
    Nadine 15-18

    Brian.Le 13-19
    Critta 15-17
    Carol 20-22
    Jules 13-20
    Corrine 13-22
    Lisa 21-24
    Paul.M 15-18
    Reiven 13-17
    Rani 12-15
    Hayley.M 20.2-21.6 (Row)
    Jess 19-26

    Mick.B 13-14
    Gill 19-21
    Kendall 22-25
    Millsy 14-17
    Richo 16-21
    Kim 19-21
    Nazz 16-18
    Kazz 20-22

    Sue 20-26
    Cian skills
    Pete.R 13-15
    Shelbs 20-26
    Ryno 13-16
    Corina 16-21
    Kurt 15-18
    Dan.W 9rds rxd mod
    Bec.W 19-22 (Row)
    Harro 12-17

    Jimmy 12-14
    Russ 14-17
    Brian Lor 14-17
    Heidi 23-26 row
    Keffy 11-14
    Aido (mod)

    Misch ??
    Tamara 16-20
    Alli 18-20
    Grant 15-18
    Sam C 16-17
    Lyndal 17.6-18.9 row
    Mull 18-20
    Paul R 18-22 row
    Kylie 18-20
    Marty 14-16
    Kristen 15-17
    Tommy 15-16

  4. i had to do on treadmill and the fastest it would go was 20 kph so i varied the incline
    1 degree lowest 5.5 degrees was highest

    (i thought i was pretty smart hahahah)