WOD Tuesday 22/11/2011

Reps of: 18-15-12-9-6-3 of:
Thruster 35kg (25kg)
Knees to Elbows

(Start Each round with a 10m Handstand Walk.)

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10 Comments on “WOD Tuesday 22/11/2011

  1. Seriously…… Oh shitballs!!
    Looks like I will need to have a stern talking to my legs and get them to heal themselves before tomorrow?!?!?!

  2. Mick I am sure that you have added the 10M HS walk just to make me look like a dickhead in the hotel gym…..

  3. 5.45am
    Brenno 18.53 (20kg)
    Katie 13.10 (20kg)

    Aido 18.24 rxd
    Kristen 19.55 (20kg)
    Oxana 19.50 (6kg)
    Lynda 20.23 (20kg)
    Chase 19.45 (30kg)
    Kazzie 20.49 rxd
    Corina 14.43 (20kg)
    Lockstock skills
    Brandoss 18.52 rxd

    Lauren 18.30 rxd
    Cliffnuts 18.09 rxd
    Kurt 20.14 (30kg)
    Beck.L 18.47 (20kg)
    Rob 19.54 rxd
    Scotty.T 22.19 (30kg)
    Sheree 16.14 “Baby Michael”
    Ryno 18.06 rxd
    Adam 17.01 (30kg)
    Matt.H 15.07 (30kg)

    Louise 13.54 (12kg)
    Mel 17.35 (20kg)
    Tanners 14.27 (25kg) P/Press
    Jaymee 13.16 (6kg)
    Livdogs 21.36 (20kg)
    Leigha 14.07 (12kg)
    Paula 17.08 (20kg)
    Matt Mack 15.43 (30kg)
    Call 17.17 rxd

  4. I was going to ride my bike today but not after watching the video! My knee hurts just watching that!!Many of the lifts in cross fit are challenging but this one is ridiculous! Sorry Mick was Bec a girl or a boy?

  5. Hey Kristen, I think u mean Kris Clever , she is a she! Winner of the 2010 Crossfit Games!!

    Get that on video for us would ya Tommy!!

  6. OMGoshhhh i worked harddd. NEver missing crossfitt haha 🙂 x