WOD Wednesday 01/12/10

Reps 10-1 of the triplet:

Knees to elbow
Boxjumps 30′ (24′)

Post time to comments.

8 Comments on “WOD Wednesday 01/12/10

  1. 5.45am (“Goat”)
    Cyn 9.11 (Pullup, D/U)
    Jayden 12.21 (HSPU)
    Louise 15.25 (D/U)
    Lauren 9.49 mod (Ring-dip, HSPU)

    7.30am .com

    10 rounds for time of:
    15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
    42.5kg Back squat, 29 reps
    2x60kg barbells Farmer carry, 10 meters

    Begin the rope climbs seated on the floor.

    Mick 45.02
    Brad 42.41

    Lock Stock 8.44
    Karen 12.11 (Ring-dip)
    Calvin 10.11 (D/U)
    Jimbo 13.24 (D/U)

    Nick.Z 6.28 rxd
    Prince 10.35 (D/U)
    Rob 10.00 (Handstand)
    Dale 9.12 (Pullup)
    Ryan 7.02 mod
    Trina 13.24 (Pushups of toes)
    Mel.Z 12.08 (Ring Dips)
    Lyndal 10.34 (Ring Dips)
    Lynda 11.52 (Pushup)
    Alana 10.18 (D/U)
    Blake 11.25 (Pushup)
    Cliff 12.30 rxd (Overhead squat)
    Amanda 10.32 (D/U)

    Michelle 12.07 (Pullup)
    Gillian 12.31 (Pullup)

  2. arrrrgh no wonder my Abs are the hardest to work on, I struggle with overhead squats. rest my case it’s not a beer belly after all, ha ha.

  3. I just hate it when work gets in the way of my training. I can’t make it tonight, sorry. 🙁

  4. Glad to be back in this arvo. Enjoyed the WOD needed that after the shit start to my week. Great turn out for the 5pm session! See you tomorrow at 4pm 🙂

  5. Great session tonight with Michelle, tough workout but enjoyed it and the laughs!! Thanks Mick for the encouragement.