WOD Wednesday 20/04/2016

A) 20mins to find your 3RM:
Bench press

B) Two rounds each for time of:
Row 750m

-These are all out efforts.
-Rest as needed between efforts.

Post load and each effort to comments.



4 Comments on “WOD Wednesday 20/04/2016

  1. Thank you Mic, Tamara, coaches and 4551 family love this date 4 years ago today I got to join this awesome community 😉

    • That’s brilliant Sue, super proud of you mate. An impressive milestone 🙂

  2. 1k row (4 min)
    3 x 10-15 bench press
    6 x 5 strict pull ups
    3 x 20 push ups
    750m row (2:36)