WOD Wednesday 26/11/2014


800m Farmers Carry for time, 2x32kg (2x24kg)

Post loads and time to comments.






6 Comments on “WOD Wednesday 26/11/2014

  1. Last nights WOD for me was:
    Sets of 5 Box squats (20″) due to knee playing up, got to 160kg before I thought I should probably have a spotter….just in case.
    Once finished I did a 5km ride on my Assault Bike in 12.01min. My Assault Bike and I are no longer friends…….
    I’ll do my deadlifts at home tonight prior to bball as well. Will post my loads……if I remember, not one to post online too much!!

  2. Just got 160kg for deadlift and also completed day 16 of my push up challenge which was 45 push ups unbroken. The challenge started at 10 push ups for 2 days and then has gone up by 5 every 2nd day. Tomorrow is 50…….never done that many unbroken before…..Now it’s off to bball!!! Love the end of the year where more time becomes available…..

  3. Hey mick just letting you know my time was 22.20 not 20.10. Whoops .!
    A big thanks to Darrell again you friggen legend thanks for the support and helping me getting to finish line.!