WOD Thursday 10/10/2013


Four rounds for time of:
Run 200 meters
60kg (42.5kg) Thruster, 11 reps
Run 200 meters
60kg (42.5kg) Push press, 11 reps
Run 200 meters
60kg (42.5kg) Hang Power Clean, 11 reps

Post load and time to comments.

[[ Today’s Scoreboard ]]

Police Service of Northern Ireland Constable Ronan Kerr, 25, of Omagh, Northern Ireland, was killed on April 2, 2011 by a car bomb outside his home in Omagh. He is survived by his mother Nuala, brothers Cathair and Aaron, and sister Dairine.


7 Comments on “WOD Thursday 10/10/2013

  1. 5.30am
    Lynne 29.25 (30)
    Dal 25.29 rxd
    Brit 22.25 (mod)
    Kylie 23.36 (12)
    Lauren.Y 23.57 (12)
    Cathy 23.16 (12)
    Emma 24.15 (mod)
    Brooke 27.36 (20)
    Mick.L 26.27 (30)
    Bel 26.55 (20)
    Adam 28.20 (40)
    Cam 29.39 (42.5) mod
    Stevo 28.46 (50)
    Paula 25.00 (30)
    Livdogs 40.53 rxd
    Nadine 26.00 (20)
    Carolyn 24.18 (30)
    Shano 27.36 (40)
    Aimee 20.55 (20)
    Corrine 24.59 (20)
    Reiven 27.05 (20)
    Kelly 25.29 (12)

    Pete.B 22.44 (40)
    Kim 25.55 (20)
    Mick.B 26.44 rxd
    Russ 26.03 (32.5)
    Karen 22.08 (30)
    Suz 26.36 (mod)

    Patchy 28.24 rxd (.com)
    Cliffo 36.28 rxd
    Sue 24.50 (12)
    Merv 28.45 (35)
    Carol 36.48 (20)
    Hayley G 23.00 (25/3 rds)
    Millsy 24.39 (mod)
    Cian 30.45 (12)
    Joanne 29.00 (6)

    Jfk 33.03 rxd
    Sam.D 25.12 3rds (20)
    Ryan.G 24.48 (20)
    Kurt 32.07 (50)
    Keffy 28.00 (60) 3rds
    Shelbs 36.00 (30)
    Jess 32.00 (30)
    Cade 26.40 (42.5)
    James 27.36 (42.5)
    Naz 24.12 (20)
    Chazza 43.42 rxd
    Aido 18.36 (42.5)
    Heidi 23.30 (20)
    Jenni.P 29.40 (20)
    Kath 30.50 (12)
    Shae 27.14 (12)
    Dent 22.13 (30)
    Ryno 19.34 (30)
    Harry 31.11 rxd
    Tommy 26.32 rxd
    Dan.W 26.00 mod

    Angela (welcome)
    Jamie (welcome)
    Gilli 24.27 (30)
    Corina 26.02 (30)
    Marty 29.08 (35)
    Kylie 23.51 (12)
    Brucey 32.31 (45)
    Macdaddy 26.40 (50)
    Pete.R 29.40 (50)
    Bec.W 18.26 (20)
    Wog 19.30 mod

  2. CrossFit224 strength session

    Snatch practice – 60K squat snatch….need a bit of Ben to improve i think!

    Well done on your RXD Liv that was awesome 🙂

  3. Congrats to Liv for RXDing today. Well done mate!!!!!!! 🙂
    That was a killer of a workout.

  4. To all you awesome athletes that rxd today wod you are amazing!!:)

  5. Had to do this one at work this morning, however I only had 10kg dumbbells, so I doubled the reps. 33.36
    Will be working pretty much continuously until Monday afternoon, so won’t be in for a while.

  6. Yeah a huge effort by Livdogs to punch that one out rxd today, well done and well done to all who tackle this 🙂