WOD Saturday 27/04/2024

“Dead Sled Fred”

In teams of 3-4 complete the following,

For time:

150 Toes to bar
100 Dumbbell thrusters, 22.5kg (15kg)
50 x 10m Sled shuttles, 52.5kg (35kg)

Partition reps however you please between team members. You may have multiple people working on the same station whenever you please.

Rx’d+ = 25kg (17.5kg) DB/ 60kg (42.5kg) sled
Masters 50yrs+/ Teens = 20kg (12.5kg) DB Thruster
Masters 60yrs+ = Hanging knee raises/ 15kg (7kg) DB Thruster/ 40kg (20kg) Sled shuttle

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