WOD Tuesday 20/03/2018

Clean and Jerk 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 -Reset each rep. Post all loads for working sets to comments.

WOD Monday 19/03/2018

For time: 30 Overhead walking lunge, 20kg (10kg) plate 30 Knees to elbows 30 Sit-ups 30 Calorie row 30 Sit-ups 30 Knees to elbow 30 Overhead walking lunge Post load and time to comments.

WOD SATURDAY 17/03/2018

“Murph” For time: Run 1.6km 100 Pull ups 200 Push ups 300 Squats Run 1.6km If you have a 20kg (10kg) vest, wear it. (Ryno 29.36 rxd, Britt 37.22 rxd, Andrew 43.40 rxd+ (10kg vest). -Reps can be broken up as 20rds of “Cindy”….

WOD FRIDAY 16/03/2018

A) Weighted pull ups 4-4-4-4 B) Max reps (x4): Toes through rings C) Bench press 4-4-4-4 Superset reps Post all 12 working sets to comments.

WOD THURSDAY 15/03/2018

3 rounds for time of: 21 Calorie row 12 Handstand push-ups 4 Wall climbs Rxd+ = Strict handstand push-ups. Post time to comments.