WOD Thursday 10/08/2017

5 attempts at each of the following: 15m Broad-jump (As least jumps as possible) Strict handstand push-ups L-hang hold (seconds) -Move from one station immediately to the next. Rest as needed between rounds. Post efforts for each set to comments.

WOD Wednesday 09/08/2017

“Fran” 21-15-9 reps for time of: Thrusters, 42.5kg (30kg) Pull-ups -10min cap. Post load and time to comments.

WOD Tuesday 08/08/2017

Complete 7 sets of the sequence: 3 Power clean + 3 Push jerk -If a set is failed the load must be shifted back in weight. -The clean and the jerk can not be performed in any other variation. -Power clean reps should be…

WOD Monday 07/08/2017

Scott “Scotty” Deem, 31, of San Antonio, Texas, was killed while responding to a four-alarm structure fire on May 18, 2017. Deem and his fellow firefighters were searching the building for survivors, but after 11 minutes, Deem sounded a Mayday call. Rescuers were unable…

WOD Saturday 05/08/2017

HAPPY 6TH BIRTHDAY TO MY LITTLE BIG GUY WIL BONNEY!! Individually or in pairs complete the following, 5 Rounds each for time of: 100m Prowler push, 70kg (50kg) 50 Box jumps, 24″ (20″) -Rest as needed between rounds. Post load and box height to…