WOD Sunday 09/03/2014

 As many rounds as possible in 15mins of:

5 L-Pull-ups

10 Box Jumps 24″ (20″)

15 Wallball shots 10kg (6kg)


Post load, rounds and extra reps to comments.




5 Comments on “WOD Sunday 09/03/2014

  1. Saturdays work wod. Strength deadlifts 5’s 3’s 1’s 135-145kg row 1 km 3.43. 3 max sets of strict pull ups.

  2. Thank you Lynne for your encouragement this am. Congrats to all the awesome efforts this morning on 14.2 well done:)

    • You are more thsn welcome Sue 🙂 Thank you for hanging back and cheering us on.

  3. That is a face full of mischief – so cute.
    Jake really enjoyed his little day of exploring.