WOD Monday 10/03/2014

In front of a clock set for nine minutes:
2 minutes of Burpees
2 minutes of Sit-ups
2 minutes of Inverted Burpees
1 minute of Burpees
1 minute of Sit-ups
1 minute of Inverted Burpees


Post reps for each set to comments.


What an absolute champ!!!






7 Comments on “WOD Monday 10/03/2014

  1. Kendall u are a champ. You push yourself and never give up. keep it up

  2. Nice over head squat Kendall. Sundays work wod. Fridays .com wod 1rm front squat 80kg 1 me row 1k 3.40 me dips strict 18.

  3. Couldn’t make it in today so I did –
    18 min amrap
    15 box jump 24 inch
    12 kettle bell swings 24 kg
    9 toes to bar

    I did 9 + 15 rounds 😀