WOD Friday 03/08/2012

For time:
70 Burpees
60 Sit-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 24kg (16kg)
40 Pull-ups
30 Handstand push-ups

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14 Comments on “WOD Friday 03/08/2012

  1. Hey, Climbed Table Mountain in Cape Town South Africa. 2.5hrs up and down plus some tourist stuff. Cant wait to get home..

  2. 5.30am
    Megan 16.57 (16kg)
    Penny 21.29 (8kg)
    Lynne 22.40 (16kg)
    Cathy 22.31 (12kg)
    Lisa 22.54 (8kg)
    Mel.P 23.05 (16kg)
    Livdogs 37.13 (16kg)
    Tommy 14.16 (24kg)
    Paula 22.40 (16kg)
    Hayley 29.10 rxd
    Mull 29.09 (16kg)

    Kurt.D 21.07 rxd
    Matty.L 20.31
    Shelbs 25.42
    Jenni 20.29
    Paul 21.55
    Cliffo 14.56 rxd
    J.D 26.07
    Sue 22.47
    Mick 14.04 (mod)
    Babsy 21.46
    Richo 25.56
    Grant.H 27.00

    Tommy skills
    Chase 21.34 (24kg)
    Karen 16.23 (16kg)
    Misch 15.26 (12kg) mod
    Chase 21.34 (24kg)
    Pete DNF

  3. What a sensational morning!
    Hayley busting out 30 HSPU rxd, 7 of them consecutive!
    Livdogs busting out 20 HSPU rxd, 4 consecutive!
    I managed 10 butterfly pullups (one of my short-term goals)
    Lynne doing 40 pullups unassisted!
    Everyone is looking so much fitter – especially for winter!!
    And to top it off, Mel P managed to tear her hands – again!!! Poor Mel 🙁
    Keep up the awesome work everyone
    4551 – COME GET SOME

  4. Awesome work guys, some awesome efforts all round. Beast of an effort Hayley, well done!!

  5. Once we ground out all those burpees it was great to see some goals getting smashed! Congrats Megan and Lynne 🙂 great job! and Liv and Hayley that was just massive to watch!!! 🙂 🙂

  6. Hayley – good for you!!! What an awesome effort and achievement for you. Great job.

  7. I can hardly contain how much I enjoyed this mornings Wod!!!!!!!!! Yesterday wod was nasty girls think todays should be called nasty boys!!!!
    You guys are all fantastic congrats to all the early birds this morning on your amazing achievements!! Go the girl power!!!!!!
    Awesome to have Babs at the 9.15 what a beautiful personality to lighten up such a fun wod!!!

    • Well said sue….thanks for the compliment…just wait until I’ve been around a bit more, then you’ll be saying…..shit wish she’d bugger off!! 😉
      Your doing so well, you need to have more confidence in yourself, your going great guns at the wods!! 🙂
      Look forward to my 9.15 sessions on Thursday’s and Friday’s!! 🙂
      Great atmosphere in the shed this morning, I really enjoyed it!!

      • Cool it will be awesome to train with you Thursday and Fridays and I would never say buggar off!!! Unless you said drop and do 150 Burpees!!! He he he he you make me laugh have a great weekend!!!

  8. Great efforts and numbers! Love looking at the results!

  9. 28.16, had no where to do pull ups, so did pushups instead (16kg)