WOD Monday 31/01/2011

Clean and Jerk

Max Plank hold

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Mimsy, padding up for her dreaded boxjumps!!

16 Comments on “WOD Monday 31/01/2011

  1. Go the mimster, I can even see you on a skate board/ripstick girl 🙂

  2. Hey by the way, how you feelin Mick.
    Not even close to child birth …………..grin………………….

  3. haha, oh Smithers surely it could’nt be that bad 😉

    Just a little tender!

    • is he frigging kidding us Smithers – he’ll know all about it in a few months time

  4. GO MIMSY!!!!!! i might need to borrow that helmet from u next time box jumps come up!!!!! :S

  5. He thinks I don’t keep comments like this in my own little “you probably shouldn’t have said that” memory bank…

    I’m contemplating ringing ahead and asking for a second bed at the hospital; one for me and one for him, cuz I can guarantee if I’m trying to push this baby out and he says anything along the lines of “harden up!!” I take no responsibility for my actions and he will probably recieve a slight concussion and be in need of some medical attention himself…!! 🙂

    When will he ever learn…?? 🙂

  6. 5.45am

    Louise 15kg Dumbell/1.02
    Cyn 30kg/1.12
    Meagan 30kg/1.59
    Jayden 67.5kg/2.43
    Lauren 55kg/3.30
    Mim 40kg/1.30

    Amanda 45kg/3.36
    Cherise 45kg/3.40
    Lock stock 72.5kg/6.02
    Nicole 25kg/1.18
    Lynda 50kg/.43
    Trina 65kg/1.47
    Casie 30kg/1.29
    Karen 47.5/3.30 (clean)
    Richo 70kg/1.05

    Nipples 72.5kg/2.02
    Dale 90kg/2.06
    Lyndal 75kg/2.18
    Mel 50kg/1.02
    Bulldog 80kg/2.57
    Ryno 55kg/10.40
    Lachlan F 32.5kg/5.00
    Paula 32.5kg/6.06
    Olivia 25kg/4.01

    Larns 62.5kg/1.17
    Tanya 45kg/1.16
    Smokin 82.5kg/3.02
    Angie 30kg/.40
    Beck 47.5kg/3.02
    Rob 60kg/3.21
    Paul 55kg/2.21

  7. Sorry 6pm crew – wont be in tonight 🙂 However ill see you all tomorrow at 6pm sharp! On another note, i am finding it very hard to move (in any direction), cough, or laugh without pain from the GHD machine on friday night. 🙂 – gilli

    • Go Gilli….learn to love the pain – its so worth it me darling!

  8. LOL Tamara its a guy thing, yes book that bed he will need it 🙂 🙂 🙂

  9. clifford crossfit.com 50 box jumps 5 muscel ups 50 kb swings 50 situps 50 hang power cleans 800 run 50 back extentions for time 17.57

    • Cliffy I hope you did not have to do your crossfit.com work out alone!

      Is Michael still feeling 61 – as I said he needs to suck it up cos I feel like that after every workout.

      Hey I wont be in tonight so you will have to look elsewhere for your entertainment Cliffy. First day back at work and 136 e-mails is just the start. I think its gonna be a late day.

  10. I hate those dreaded box jumps – even off the small box. I would wrap myself in bubble wrap if I was able to move after doing so because when I trip and go flying across the floor it hurts when I come to a stop.

    Louise got it right and did a very spectacular commando roll when she tripped but I still think that it hurt. I haven’t mastered the commando roll yet.