WOD Saturday 28/04/2012


For time:
30 Snatch 60kg (42.5kg)

Post load and time to comments.

Rob Orlando with his one arm “Fran”!!

5 Comments on “WOD Saturday 28/04/2012

  1. 8am
    Ryno 7.55 (42.5kg)
    Stu 3.13 (42.5kg)
    Shano.C 5.55 (50kg)
    Sue 4.40 (Dowel)
    Mick “Yesty’s WOD 15.30 rxd

  2. Nice to see my record still stands… 😉

  3. Trust me it crossed my mind!!! And sadly thats about all it can for a while!!
    But have to move on from my heavy weight Dowel!!
    Congrats to the awesome snatchs of the guys well done!!
    Hey where were all the girls!! To big a night?

  4. Onya Sue, I think they have a little heartilage!

  5. Cliff – “Diane” 3.58rxd
    Karen – “Fran” 5.06rxd