WOD Thursday 17/04/2014

As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 mins of:

1km row buy in


4 Burpees

8 Toes To Bar

12 Front Squats 40kg (30kg)


Post load, rounds and reps to comments.

Pete hitting up the WOD carrying almost as much weight as he has lost since starting at 4551!! Impressive efforts buddy!!






17 Comments on “WOD Thursday 17/04/2014

  1. Congrats Pete that’s fantastic good for you hard work pays off:)

  2. Nice work Pete . Wednesdays work wod @30kg . Subed running for 700 row 18.05. Rest day tomorrow . Hey mick with today’s wod do you start the 12 min clock once the row is finished or is included in the 12 minutes ?

  3. Included Rynoss, do it once at the start then with remaining time complete (total) max reps. So the faster you get it done the more time you have to complete reps πŸ˜‰

  4. Wow, awesome work Peter! Keep it up mate! πŸ™‚

  5. Well done to all my morning crews this morning, well done to Jen on consecutive rxd efforts. You’ve taken your training to the next level of late πŸ™‚

  6. Yesterdays WOD

    Romanian Dead Lift/Pendlay row super set 5 *3 60kg
    15 Mins of Cindy

    15 + 1 rxd

  7. Well done Pete F, 20kg loss so impressive. Keep going πŸ™‚

  8. Julian today’s WOD, instead of front squats he did air squats. 144 reps