WOD Wednesday 16/04/2014

2 rounds for time of:

Run 700m

50 Push Press 35kg (25kg)

50 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 35kg (25kg)


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13 Comments on “WOD Wednesday 16/04/2014

  1. Love these videos go Nevada I would love to go there one day awesome:)

    • Yeah really incredible what these guys are doing for the students.

  2. Wow, that video is amazing. Go Nevada!!!!!! What an inspiration. Look forward to hearing how things progress for them.

  3. Tuesday WOD

    Front Squat 5 sets of 3 same weight across 80% 1RM


    Then 8 mins AMRAP
    1 Burpee
    2 russian KB swing 24kg
    2 Burpee
    4 Russion KB Swing
    3 Burpee
    8 Russian KB Swing etc etc.

    Round 11 burpees, plus 20 KB swings..

  4. So, you doing the WOD again this arvo Marty??? 🙂 Coaches, expect him !!!! haha

  5. Congrats Alana awesome rxd and a huge congrats to Jen K that is fantastic look what your lifting now:))))

  6. Great job Hayley.M on your rxd, great to see you get rewards for persistence with your training, I know what it’s like to deal with the frustrations and challenges your body can throw at you. Well done mate 😉

    • Yeh go Hayley M that’s awesome girl power plus woot hoot xo

    • Thanks so much mick and sue, really appreciate it!! Pretty happy that after 8 months of no running and modified workouts I finall got an RXD after my name 🙂 only up from here!!

  7. Gym to busy so I worked double unders and handstands

    • A bit of grunting and dumping usually clears the way Shano 😉

  8. Julian today’s WOD, instead of front squats he did air squats. 144 reps