WOD Thursday 24/07/2014

Hang Power Clean


Find a max height, Box Jump (inches)

Post start and heaviest totals for working sets. Also the height of best Box Jump to comments.






10 Comments on “WOD Thursday 24/07/2014

  1. Thanks and well done to all morning crews who left egos at the front door and kept the focus soley on quality and not quantity. And for that we seen some of the best lifting by you all, keep riding that setup and hit the positions over and over and over again.

    Who will be the agility kings today? What sessions will take the cake?

    Well done to Hayley.G (38″ jump-9.15am) and Marty and Micky.Be (44″-5am) for setting the bar for the arvo crews.

    Congrats to Val on landing her first box jump today also!

    • 9.15 all the way .!! its on like donkey kong .!!

      no wonder why when we are at comps, people talk of 4551 having the best form .! and for anyone else saying other sheds don’t care about form and don’t drill it into you so much and don’t spend as much time breaking down the movements . there is a reason why it is drilled in our heads . there is a reason why we break down the movements .
      id rather have form than weight .. and when you have good form weight will come at ease .


  2. A reminder that all payments for Apparel is due today (no exceptions and all cash please). We will not be able to get the order processed until all payments are made.


  3. and congrats to everyone who has PB’d on those box jumps .. its one thing that is such a mind fu*k of fear . big shout to Hayley.G, suz, mumsy , cian , elisa, val and emma I know for some of you to get to the box jump height took a lot of guts but what you did this morning was huge congrats to all the fernwood girls this morning . 9.15 BABY..!!!

    • Go Shelbs agree on all of the above congrats to all great job Girl Power Plus:))

  4. Well done val! Hopefully all the stickys are at the 4.45 session, it always amazes me with the heights they can jump!!

  5. Settle down 9:15. We’re all in this together. 🙂

    • definitely all in this together 😉 . would you have it any other way marty . hahah I wouldn’t . but apparently there is war coming . hahaahha just kidding . I aint waring (may not be a word but it is now) against my team mates just sticking up for 9.15 . 😉

  6. True story though Shelbs. Staring at a tall stack really gets in your head.

  7. Today’s WOD 27.5kg-37.5kg

    Bit of a wake up call! Need to start lifting regularly again. I’ve been doing more bodyweight stuff because I’ve been training at the same time as Lyndal and we only have the one bar (which we clearly don’t share!) The last couple of days we’ve started offering an afternoon session as well to free up some of the equipment, so far it seems to be working!