WOD Tuesday 16/04/2024

“Up Up And Away”

Ascending 20min ladder:
1 Squat clean
10 Echo bike calories
1 Push jerk
10 Alternating box step-ups

Increase both clean and push jerk reps by 1 rep each round. Calories and step-up reps stay the same throughout the allocated time.

Men: 60kg/ 24″
Women: 42.5kg/ 20″

Rx’d+ = 70kg (47.5kg)/ 30″ (24″)
Masters 50yrs+/ Teens = 52.5kg (35kg)/ 20″ (16″)
Masters 60yrs+ = 42.5kg (30kg)/ 16″ (12″)

Post rounds, reps completed and options to comments.