WOD Tuesday 21/08/2012

For time:
30 GHD sit-ups
30 Deadlift reps, 100kg (75kg)
30 Double-unders
30 Overhead squat reps, 42.5kg (30kg)
30 Pull-ups

Post load and time to comments.

19 Comments on “WOD Tuesday 21/08/2012

  1. 5.30am
    Alan 9.22
    Megan 10.06
    Penny 8.02
    Alli 11.37
    Paula 12.13
    Livdogs 17.45
    Tommy 9.25 rxd
    Mel.P 18.03 rxd
    Harro 15.08 rxd
    Kurt.D 11.28

    Sue 11.43
    Cliff 12.50 rxd
    Jenni 10.26
    Suz 24.15 rxd
    Pauly 11.06
    Lock 8.48 rxd
    Jaydoss skills
    Dal 7.59 rxd
    Lauren 8.47 rxd

    Mick 7.40 (100/42.5kg) CF sit-ups
    Simmo 6.43 (80/30)
    Mull 12.47 rxd
    Kurt N 12.45 rxd
    Hayley 14.57 rxd
    Livdoggs skills
    Heidi 9.48 (16/6)
    Tracy 12.17 (mod)
    Matty L 7.23 (70/20)
    Mel P skills
    Tommy skills
    Aido 7.36 (mod)
    Justin 6.54 rxd
    Chazza injured
    Shelbs 15.13 (40/12)

    Corina 10.04 (55/20)
    Macdaddy 9.14 (80/30)
    Randall 9.48 (80/30)
    Michelle 11.06 (55/20)
    Karen 9.07 rxd
    Pete 8.27 (80/30)
    Stu 9.56 rxd
    Flick 8.43 (25/6)
    Rob 13.11 (80/30)
    Beck 9.33 (65/30)
    J.F.K. 11.51 (mod)
    Harro 8.35 (80/40)
    Bianca 8.10 rxd

  2. Quick update on the books I have the following people interested;

    Tommy 1
    Simmo 1
    Sue 2
    Corina 1

    We need to order 10 from the box to get the discount. Undiscounted price is $37. If no one else wants a book or if we cannot get ten then we will just have to order individually. I will be ordering mine tomorrow if no one else is interested..

      • Take a look on Mobility WOD . Kelly Starrett has written a book covering loads of different mobility stuff..

        • I’m keen either way as well Tommy, could you grab me one with your order pretty please 🙂

      • Awesome, you buy it, I’ll read it and tell you what it said!

    • Hi Tommy if you don’t get the numbers I still would like 2 books so if you would like to split the postage?? Let me know cheers Sue

    • tommy,,,i just saw this… do you think it will be of interest to me??
      big question ~ as im not sure myself … but sounds like i may be?

  3. Thankyou Locky and congrats Suz you are going great guns well done!!!!!

    • always a pleasure Sue it was a small session but boy it had atmosphere!

  4. I like this wod. I think an rxd attempt may be afoot.

    • Heya Ryno’sssss, missing ya at the box buddy!!!