WOD Tuesday 26/06/2012

Five rounds for time of:
25 Push press 35kg (25kg)
50 Double-unders

Post load and time to comments.

Gotta love a Crossfit body!!

10 Comments on “WOD Tuesday 26/06/2012

  1. Guess I better get started on the double under goal… *sigh*

  2. 5.30am
    Megan 22.02 rxd
    Alan 19.10 rxd
    Jacob 12.50 (20kg) 3rds
    Penny 9.07 (12kg) 3rds
    Carlie 21.50 (20kg)
    Ange 17.10 (12kg)
    Tommy 15.06 rxd
    Matty.F 22.10 (35kg) mod
    Call 16.05 rxd

    Corina 16.31 rxd
    Bianca 11.11 rxd
    Pete 18.28 (30kg)
    Sue 10.40 (6kg)
    Stevo 21.30 rxd
    Mick 6.53 rxd
    Suz 22.53 (22.5kg)
    Karen 9.02 rxd
    Gilli 15.15 rxd
    Richo 16.27 (30kg)

    Tommy DL 160kgx3
    Dal 9.02 rxd
    Mull 11.34 rxd
    J.F.K 10.05 rxd
    Mimsy 15.15 (MOD)
    Kurt N 12.59 rxd
    Jayden 12.44 rxd
    Lauren 10.31 rxd
    Kristen 12.45 MOD(25kg)
    Hulk 9.28 rxd
    Hayley 14.24 rxd
    Livdogs 14.15 rxd
    Paula 11.37 rxd
    Matty L 19.30 (35kg)
    Kurt D 14.25 (30kg)
    Ryno 13.29 rxd
    Flick 15.35 (12kg)
    Mel P 14.35
    Jenni 15.20 (12kg)

    Tanners 14.55 rxd
    Larns 15.01 rxd
    Leigha 20.18 MOD (12kg)
    Michelle SKILLS

  3. Hey Mick, I need you to change my long-term goals from yesterday. It should read
    Megan Hindmarsh – ** insert photo of Camille Le Blanc here**
    That should do it 😉

  4. Congrats to Corina watching your face light up was GOLD!! Go the double-under queen YIPEEEEEE!!
    Thankyou Bianca something else I have to learn!!

  5. Well done to Suz and Corina hitting short term goals day 1. Just goes to show if u have goal and direction with a time frame u can achieve anything!!

  6. Yeeewww CORINA and SUZ!!! Way to go girls……….. respect!

  7. Completed my workout for today-15 rounds of 100m row and a 100 m sprint – time 17.11 that is also with an approximate 10km walk today as well