WOD Wednesday 04/01/2012

For time:
50 Double Unders
10 Deadlifts 100kg (70kg)
30 Wallball Shots 10kg (5kg)
10 Deadlifts
30 Box jumps 24″ (20″)
10 Deadlifts
30 Burpees
50 Double Unders

Post load and time to comments.

(Thanks to Schwartz Crossfit for the WOD)

5 Comments on “WOD Wednesday 04/01/2012

  1. What a great workout this morning! Happy to be back in the box and working off the Christmas cheer 🙂 Enjoy this one today everyone

  2. 5:30 am
    Alan 11:48 (65kg)
    Megan 10:48 (60kg)
    Kristen 15:30 (60kg)
    Matty. F 11:35 (mod)

    9:15 am
    Chase 15:34 (70kg)
    Sheree. T 3km walk 28:50
    Scotty. T 15:28 rxd
    Shano. C 17:43 rxd
    Lynda 23:29 rxd

    Wog 10:32 rxd
    Dale 9:15 rxd
    Cliffo 8:35 rxd
    Rob 16:19 (70kg)
    Bek 10:52 (50kg)
    Livdogs 16:35 (50kg)
    Tommy seated o/h push 25-50kg
    Paula 13:39 (55kg)
    Lauren 9:06 rxd
    Hayley 10:40 (50kg)
    Aido 8:09 rxd

    God 12:29 rxd
    Randy 17:24 rxd
    Mel. P 11:09 (60kg)
    Gilli 14:40 rxd
    Scott. E 18:40 rxd
    Lara 15:25 (50kg)
    Larns 13:36 rxd
    Lou 12:56 (40kg)
    Leigha 13:29 (40kg)
    Brenno 18:07 (100kg)

  3. So sore after doing Grace yesterday haha first workout in 2 months!

  4. Did this one at Goodlife today, will definitely be in tomorrow.
    14.16 with 70kg deadlifts, 6kg med ball cleans instead of wall ball and squat jumps instead of box jumps. Stupid rules about not throwing shit at the walls and didn’t have anything appropriate to jump on!

  5. Some great efforts today guys! Let’s back up tomorrow!!