WOD Wednesday 15/12/10

For time:
Run 400m
100 Pushups
150 Situps
200 Double Unders
Run 400m

Post time to comments.

10 Comments on “WOD Wednesday 15/12/10

  1. Not a fan of pushups, but I suppose this is going to be a good way for me to get better at them hey!

    Nice action photo of Larns 🙂

  2. Got millys Xmas party this morning, so will try come in one of the arvo sessions. My leg is still sore from the warm up run yesterday so to be honest I’m not that keen on this workout. Did the ice thing Mick but having sharp pains even when I walk. Rrrrr. GO Hard guys!

  3. 5.45am
    Lauren 29.41 rxd
    Jayden 27.04 rxd
    Cyn 21.46
    Louise 29.01
    Nicole 21.05
    Mim 20.45

    Lock stock 19.27 rxd
    Albert 25.13
    Lee 24.04
    Richo 28.30

    10.30am .com
    Three rounds of:
    10 Deadlifts
    30 GHD situps

    Mick 7.32 (130kg)
    Cliff 11.08 (130kg)

    Nick 16.55 rxd
    Aiden 20.46 rxd
    Rory 18.28 rxd
    Ryan 20.11 rxd
    Dale 23.54
    Mel 29.18
    Lyndal 26.32 rxd
    Sammy 15.30
    Amanda 28.20 rxd
    Sheree 24.41
    Nipples 30.39
    Lynda 27.24

    Michelle 29.21
    Tanya 18.35
    Joe 21.27
    Gilli 22.10
    Lara 22.40
    Robert 24.20 (mod)
    Beck 19.46
    Alana 23.38
    Blake 23.46

  4. All good Trina, come in and we can look at subbing the run anyway mate.

  5. Hey everyone thank you so much for the birthday wishes – I intended to get in but got carried away in the garden. Had a great day, but as I get older the birthdays become less of a favourite thing. I like the presents though.

    I will definately be in tonight, although that WOD is going to hurt! I think hell will freeze over before you see Trevor training Mick – glad you liked the water chiller.

  6. Hi Guys

    Pam and I (!!) did a workout at Crosfit SEQ in Cleveland.

    6 hang cleans – 56KG and 25KG
    12 Pullups
    18 situps

    15min AMRAP

    Giles 5+6+7
    Pam 4 rounds

    They are a great bunch but its not 4551…

  7. Yet another workout where I’ve just scrapped it in before cut off! Was happy with the fact that I still managed to have consecutive double unders at the end of the 200, even if there were only 5-6 of them at a time!