WOD Monday 21/05/2018


2 rounds for max reps of:
2 minutes of shoulder presses, 60kg (40kg)
Rest 1 minute
2 minutes of front squats, 100kg (60kg)
Rest 1 minute
2 minutes of deadlifts, 140kg (90kg)
Rest 1 minute

-One bar, must change loads by yourself.
-Bar taken from the deck for all lifts.

Post loads and reps completed to comments.

WOD SATURDAY 19/05/2018

Marine Staff Sgt Daniel Hansen died February 14th in Farah Providence, Afghanistan when an IED he was working on detonated. Daniel is survived by his mother Sheryll, his father Delbert, his younger sister Katie, and his twin brother Matthew (also a Marine).



Individually or in pairs, complete the following,

5 rounds for time of:
30 Kettlebell swings, 32kg (24kg)
30 Burpees
30 GHD sit-ups

-Only one athlete works at one time.
-Partition reps however between your pair.

Post load and time to comments.

WOD FRIDAY 18/05/2018

15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Dumbbell hang clean & jerk, 22.5kg (15kg)
Weighted pull ups, 22.5kg (15kg) dumbbell

-Kipping is acceptable for weighted pull-ups only.

Post load and time to comments.

WOD THURSDAY 17/05/2018

A)20 mins to work on a skill
-Select one weakness.

B) As many rounds and extra reps as possible in 7 mins of:
15 (10), Calorie row
15 Ring dips

Post rounds and extra reps to comments.

WOD WEDNESDAY 16/05/2018


A) Hang power snatch

B) Hang power clean

-Complete all Hang power snatch before moving to the hang power clean.

Post loads for working sets to comments.

TUESDAY 15/05/2018

Cpl. Luke Tamatea, 31, of Kawerau, New Zealand, was killed by a roadside bomb on Aug. 19, 2012, while serving with the New Zealand Defence Force in the Bamyan Province of Afghanistan. Tamatea was posted to 1st Battalion Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment and was serving his second tour in Afghanistan at the time of his death.

He was an avid CrossFit athlete and enjoyed body-weight exercises and practicing farmers carries over long distances in preparation for Special Forces selection.

He is survived by his wife, Sarah Erb; and children, Kyla, Kaytlen, Nikita and Keira.


For time:
800-meter single-arm farmers carry, 16kg (12kg) kettlebell
31 toes-to-bars
31 push-ups
31 front squats, 42.5kg (30kg)
400-meter single-arm farmers carry, 24kg (16kg) kettlebell
31 toes-to-bars
31 push-ups
31 hang power cleans, 60kg (42.5kg)
200-meter single-arm farmers carry, 32kg (24kg) kettlebell

Post loads and time to comments.

MONDAY 14/05/2018

For time:
100 Wall ball shots, 10kg (6kg)



For time:
150 Wall ball shots, 10kg (6kg)