August Newsletter

Goodbye Winter… and August! 

As winter comes to a close we have been stoked with the attendance and commitment shown by our CF 4551 members. Everyday people still continue to amaze the coaches by the effort and achievements they consistently are making on a regular basis.
Looking forward to next month we have plenty on the cards once again. Our 30 day Paleo challenge will kick off in September and is open to all members, friends, families and non members. The cost is $50 which will include all your general information, booklets, measurements, photos and accountability sessions. This will be our final one for the year so get on board!!
Remember, you’re only ever one workout away from a good mood!
Mick Bonney

Owner & Head Coach

P.S. If you would prefer to not receive updates from us in the future, please just click unsubscribe on the bottom of this email – no worries at all

What you might not have known about CrossFit

“Skipping is a simple way to improve your cardiovascular health and your co-ordination – but mastering “The Double Under” has been known to elude both new AND experienced CrossFit athletes.

Check out CrossFit coach and superstar athlete Julie Foucher break down the elusive Double Under in some easy to action steps that you might like to try out at home. “


Congratulations to our Hero of the Month, Gilli English!

I have trained Gill now for many years and watched her come so far in her incredible journey. She started off as most beginners do with not a lot of confidence, strength or fitness and to her credit has evolved into one CF 4551’s best female athletes.

Such an amazing effort especially for someone who couldn’t do an unassisted pull-up, push-up and air squat. This month alone she has achieved multiple personal bests – including completing rope climbs in her workouts.

August member


Gilli says “Prior to joining Crossfit 4551 I was hitting 120kg on the scales, so unhappy with myself I’d even stopped looking in the mirror. Looking back now at My “intro” session was to say the least hysterical (just ask Mick, he’ll tell anyone how bad I was) but at the time it was the best I could do!

Five years on I have never felt faster, fitter or stronger, I have my life back and I owe it to mick and his amazing coaches who give 100% commitment to every member and their own journey, they see the athlete in each and every one of us…. Even when we can’t 😉

I’ve achieved things I never would have thought possible and continue to find new things to want to strive for, it’s never easy but your never alone, and someone is always there to cheer and celebrate every gain no matter how big or small!

But the biggest thing is the 4551 family I’ve made along the way. I’ve made some amazing friendships and they’ve witnessed me at my worst and my best! The camaraderie here is like no other, joining 4551 has changed my life!”

august upcoming events

Locky Reps 4551 In Afghanistan !!
This month our mate and former coach Lachlan competed in a fitness Crossfit fitness competition in Afghanistan and did CF 4551 proud by taking out first place overall for the mens division. Well done Latchy, making the team proud!!
August newsletter out of the box 2
Our Rowathon was a huge success and as tough and gruelling as it was, it was great to see so many of our members get behind the annual fundraiser to help raise funds for new gym equipment. We managed to raise over $3,000 which will go a long way to upgrading barbells and bumper plates etc. Thank you to all who contributed and donated their efforts, time and donations. We are truly thankful and blown away by your generosity.
August rowathon


Your friends and family can take advantage of our 14 Day Trial for $50. They’ll get a 1 on 1 introduction session with one of our qualified Coaches who will show you everything they need to know before they start on their first awesome session with us !
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