Team WOD Saturday 03/09/2011

In teams of 2-4 accumulate:
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull 32kg (24kg), Max Reps
Row, Calories
Boxjumps 30′ (24′), Max Reps

Between your team complete as many Reps/Calories as possible in an eight minute window for each exercise. Only one athlete may work at once at any time, only one Kettlebell, Rower and Box per team. Your score will be the maximum amount of reps/calories for each exercise eg. KB-SDHP 250 reps/ Rower 150 calories/ BJ 300.

The team with the highest average amount of Reps/Calories WINS!!

A Huge Thanks to Damon for the past 4 weeks!! Today 4551ers get a chance to lift with him!!

5 Comments on “Team WOD Saturday 03/09/2011

  1. Hey why don’t we all grow a beard it may help…. A bit like samson….and Damon

    I d like to see yours Karen 🙂

  2. finally back from camp! you’ll be proud mick, i did do some work outs on camp – situps, runs, handstands, push ups, squats etc…- everyone thought I was crazy
    I never realised how much i missed crossfit! I wont be in the shed for a while because im sick in bed 🙁 but hopefully i will be in soon!

  3. 8am
    Team 1. Avg Reps: 212 rxd

    Team 2. Avg Reps: 197 rxd

    Team 3. Avg Reps: 253

  4. Very proud of ya Chazz, true Crossfit 4551er!!

    We have all missed ya mate (even Liv), get well and we look forward to having u back soon!