Team WOD, Saturday 04/06/2016

A reminder that we will be running the BBQ for an 8am sausage sizzle before Andrews seminar at 8.15am. Hoping to see a great turnout from our members 🙂


In pairs complete the following,

Amrap in 8mins of:
10 Hang Power Cleans, 60kg (40kg)
10 Strict sit-ups

Rest 1min then

Amrap in 6mins of:
8 Front Squats, 60kg (40kg)
8 Ring dips

Rest 1min then

Amrap in 4mins of:
6 Push Jerks, 60kg (40kg)
6 Lateral squat jumps over the bar

-Alternate rounds with your partner
-One bar, one load for entire WOD.

Post team load, rounds and reps completed to comments.

2 Comments on “Team WOD, Saturday 04/06/2016

  1. Happy Birthday Micky B have a super awesome day;)

  2. Thank you Andrew for giving of your time and knowledge appreciate the tips will be working on each day. Saying sorry now Coach probably will do wrong 🙁