Team WOD Saturday 19/07/2014

In teams of 2-3 complete:


Two rounds for time of:
200 Double-unders
50 Overhead squat, 60kg (42.5kg)
50 Pull-ups
Run 1 mile

Kristan Clever 35:37 (95lbs), Austin Malleolo 40:10, Josh Courage 45:40, James Hobart 47:30, Kevin Montoya 48:32, Jason Ackerman 54:24, Nick Zanki & Aidan O’Brien about 1hr20mins.

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5 Comments on “Team WOD Saturday 19/07/2014

  1. Congrats Elisa on our team wod feck 400 double unders woweee wip it wip it good ouchy ouchy;) You smashed it and had a fantastic attitude you have come a long way kid keep it up:)

  2. Couldn’t make this morning, so about to do my own WOD:
    “Leons WOD” For time: walk (not run) about 3 kms to the RSL to collect your car.

    • Definitely “couldn’t”. haha. It would’ve been an interesting experience for everyone if I did. 🙂