WOD Friday 08/05/2015

A) Five attempts to accumulate:
Max effort (sec), L-Sit hold

-Rest as required between efforts.
-Use rings, p-bars or parallettes.


B) “Helen”

Three rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 Kettlebell swings, 24kg (16kg)
12 Pull-ups

Post total time (sec), load and time to comments.




5 Comments on “WOD Friday 08/05/2015

  1. Congrats Rani and Alana that’s speedy times:)

  2. Maybe Pete will come race me at 5am.

    • If only you went 8min yesty bro!

  3. It pays to take in what you read.
    NOT 21 reps for everything. Did 21 pullups each round. 🙁
    On the upside, at least I know I’ll get a better score next time.