WOD Friday 15/05/2015

A) 15mins to work one of the following:

-Pistol progressions.
-Unassisted consecutive pistols, max reps
-Weighted pistols, (Left and right)


B) “Death by burpee pull-up”

Perform the following sequence for as long as you can:
1st minute= 1 Burpee pull-up
2nd minute= 2 Burpee pull-ups
3rd minute= 3 Burpee pull-ups
” ” ”
” ” ”
10th minute= 10 Burpee pull-ups
and so on..

-Use the pull-up bar best suited for your height and ability.
-Score= rounds plus extra reps completed, eg. 9+8.

Post option then round and reps completed to comments.




3 Comments on “WOD Friday 15/05/2015

  1. Hey mick, sorry I didn’t make it in today but I will be working out in cert 4 at school 🙂

  2. Fuggin hell i hope you got that ish on tape Mick. On a KB?!?! Rani on fire. And Liv with a Bar. Nuts.