WOD Friday 28/10/2011

Weighted Pull-ups


Push Jerk

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8 Comments on “WOD Friday 28/10/2011

  1. Lauren, will be in at 5.30 but might be a bit late cuz finish work at 5 at kuluin!

  2. (In order of: Pull-ups/Push Jerk) Bands: P=Purple, B=Blue, R=Red, O=Orange, Y=Yellow, U=Unassisted

    Lauren Y/60kg
    Chantelle R/25kg
    Alan 10kg/60kg
    Megan R/40kg
    Rhonda B/12kg
    Shano.G 10kg/77.5kg
    Leigha B/20kg
    Eliza R+O/37.5kg

    Scotty.T Y/70kg
    Sheree 18.16 “FGB Mum”
    Chase O/55kg
    Brenno R/60kg
    Carrianne B/30kg
    Kurt U/75kg
    Kristen B/37.5kg

    4pm Open Gym

    Paula Skills
    Livdogs Skills
    Chazza Skills
    Hulk 12.5kg/90kg
    Gilli 30.40 5km run
    Mull Y+O/50kg
    Ryno Skills
    Lauren Skills

    Ryno 8kg/52.5kg
    Corina R/40kg
    Chazza R+O/50kg
    Paula R/45kg
    Livdogs Skills
    Lou R+Y/Skills
    Callan 80kg 5’s

  3. I guess one good thing about doing strict pullups is that it is like starting again. I remember how awesome it was to do my very first unassisted kipping pullup, and now I get to feel that elation again when I get my first strict pullup! I just hope it doesn’t take 6 months, like it did for the kip!! I’m definitely feeling the lat workout with this new technique, and feeling stronger.
    Great group of people this morning at the early session. Great vibe in the box.

  4. Well done Megan and both morning crews, persistance and hard work will make it all worth it mate, like your unassisted kipping pull-up u will get them strict because u want it!!

  5. My last set today was O+Y, R+O was my starting set… Not that there is a huge difference between the two! But, gonna take what I can get!!

  6. Sorry I missed this one. Actually sorry Iisse the whole week.

    Was busy but tried 100 push ups for time with new
    Technique. 10.43 on wed and 9.42 this morning. 28 max reps in one go….

    Room to improve!!!!