WOD Monday 14/10/2013


Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

Post times to comments.

Happy birthday Aimee and Wog!!

17 Comments on “WOD Monday 14/10/2013

  1. Happy birthday Aimee and Nick hope you both have an awesome day 🙂

  2. Happy birthday Aimee and Nick have an awesome day !!!:) xx

  3. Happy Birthday Son 🙂 & happy birthday to a Aimee

  4. Happy birthday nick and Aimee :). Hope you both have amazing days !!

  5. Happy happy birthday to the party boy Nick and to the lovely Aimee. Hope you both have a great day!

  6. The shower let me know I have a rash from those sit ups! OUCH!!!! 🙁

  7. 5:30am
    Kelly 29.04 (3rds)
    Matty.R 30.13 (mod)
    Aimee 36.08
    Corrine 35.22
    Britt 32.24 rxd
    Lynne 40.43 rxd
    Stevo 39.20 rxd
    Angela 41.05 (3rds)
    Jamie ?? (2rds)
    Paula 33.00 (mod)
    Liv 35.37 rxd
    Carolyn 26.48 rxd
    Lauren 23.21 (3rds)
    Kylie 33.05
    Cam 30.34
    Bel 36.28
    Brooke 40.22
    Mick.L 35.10 (4rds)
    Nadine 40.06 rxd
    Jen.K 40.06 rxd
    Matt.G 21.20 (3rds)
    Sam.G 20.00 (3rds)
    Tom 18.00 (3rds)
    Reiven 16.00 (3rds)

    Pete.B 32.54 rxd
    Tamara skills
    Russ 40.06 rxd
    Patch 5 rm overhead squat/ 5 rm front squat

    Cliffo 56.44 rxd
    Brian 13.22 (mod)
    Gilli 32.30
    Cian 22.33 (mod)
    Kaz 32.57
    Dent 26.25 rxd SPEWED!!
    Mick B 26.24 rxd
    Dan 27.10 rxd
    Naz 47.17
    Kim 35.08
    Kirsten 21.30 (3rds)

    Jenni 25.41 (4rds)
    Ryan G 20.13 (4rds)
    Livdoggs skills
    Jaydogs 36.08 (4rds)
    Andy 23.01 rxd
    Ryno 20.07 rxd
    Emma 30.00
    Jess 37.50 rxd
    Hayley G 36.39
    Heidi 27.35
    Lach E 31.22
    Tracy E 30.26
    Sue 29.57
    Keffy 33.27 rxd
    Aido 23.43 rxd
    Sharpy 22.35
    Tommy 26.27 rxd
    Pauly R 24.24 (3rds)
    Wog 22.14 (mod)
    Kurt 33.28 (3rds)

    Corina 36.00
    Rachie 32.08 (3rds)
    Bec W 26.06
    Brucey 35.55
    Hayley M 37.35

  8. Hey thanks for that video Mick. EXACTLY what my problem is and need to practise on! Great help.

  9. Happy birthday you beautiful wog boy.!! X
    Happy birthday aimee.!! 🙂

  10. Thankyou Ryan for counting for me and giving me a rev up appreciated it:)

  11. Been the laziest person ever. Did a home wod today:

    10min AMRAP
    5 burpee broad jumps
    8 thrusters
    11 sit-ups
    10sec handstand hold


    Will be in tomorrow to try get myself going/talk to a coach

  12. Happy Birthday Nick and Aimee! Hope you guys had a great day 🙂

  13. Thanks for the birthday wishes guys!! I had an amazing weekend celebrating!