WOD Saturday 09/02/2013

Split Jerk

Post start and heaviest loads for working sets.

Amazing how good she “Fran” can make you feel!!

9 Comments on “WOD Saturday 09/02/2013

  1. 6.45am
    Megzi 35-47.5
    Corina 40-50
    Corey Tech
    Leanne 6-20
    Chelsea 6-20 (Welcome)
    Lock 60-90

    Jacob 20-35
    Brucey 45-80
    Marty 37.5- 57.5
    Alan 45-65
    Brenno 60-87.5
    Larns 35-55
    Michael 20-35
    Paul.R 20-35
    Stevo 65-90
    Carolyn 40-50
    Rachie 37.5- 52.5 (Back Squat)
    Pete 45-80
    Bianca 65-72.5
    Ryno 50-67.5
    Lozza 50-70
    Jaydos 60-82.5

  2. some good improvements today guys! now lets back it up for tomorrow 🙂

  3. Hey guys Lynne & I did Crossfit baseball a 7 min amrap 🙂
    Also I did split jerk yesterday 30-60 🙂

  4. 10 rounds of Arthur Street 25.23 thankyou Mel Z and Lyndal!!!:)

    • You’re awesome Sue, thanks for coming with us 🙂

  5. 50-60kg
    We were 5 sets in when Lyndal’s mum called needing a lift, so we had to cut it short.
    We did Arthur St earlier this afternoon, 10rds
    Mull 23.29
    Sue 25.23
    Dal can post her own!