WOD Saturday 12/02/2011

In singles or teams of 2 complete:

1400m Run
50 Burpees (1 foot Overhead jump)
50 Boxjumps 24′ (20′)
50 Toes Through Rings
1400m Row

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8 Comments on “WOD Saturday 12/02/2011

  1. 7am
    Team 1 29.11
    Megan.D (Welcome)

    Team 2 31.38

    Tommy 29.02 rxd
    Brucey 31.15 rxd
    Paula 30.20
    Shano.G 32.30
    Aoi 30.00 (mod)

  2. Thank christ I slept in! Mind you I would have loved to see that one.

  3. your smashing it Tommy, well done. Me and Karen not long up, I was going to come in but Karen was dead to the world

  4. Holy Guacomoli Fatman!! Whata killer!! Am also glad I didn’t make the effort before work this morning. I’d still be lying thier in the pheotal position with my thumb in my mouth!! Tommy and Bruce, your a couple of machines!! Frigan AWESOME!! A rest day is more than deserved fellas, hava couple a cold ones on me. 😉 See you all Monday!!
    P.s. Cool photo, although Larns wasn’t in the mood to be doing Puddle Angels with me, I’m sucha tool. 🙂

  5. Omg I was dead!! Sorry smokin I couldn’t straighten my legs haha

  6. Mick had us all again. He put the workout up there as a team
    Thing but made us feel guilty when we said we would pair
    Up. B#*~ard. More code for filthy fifty times 2