WOD Saturday 28/12/2013

Weighted pull-ups



Post loads and body weight to comments.



5 Comments on “WOD Saturday 28/12/2013

  1. Rollin in at 7am tomorra for anyone wanting to get their WOD on earlier 😉

  2. Yesterday’s wod
    4 rounds
    10 strict chest to bar pull ups
    6 alternating pistols
    25 push-ups

    Finally getting better at pistols in my nanos and not weightlifting shoes!!

  3. 8am
    Mick B 4km run
    Scotty 10-30kg
    Gill 5-17.5kg
    Mull unassisted-9kg
    Shane M 30kg (welcome) 75bw
    Lynne 5-18kg kipping
    Cam 10-32.5kg strict 101.6bw
    Nadine 5-24kg 62bw
    Marty 20-35kg strict 78bw
    Shano 14.03 (mod Friday’s wod)
    Kazza red band
    Grant 10-27.5kg strict 88bw
    Tamara 5-24kg 66bw
    Emma 5-22kg 71bw

  4. Did WOD at home but mod to 5 sets strict 7-7-7-5-3….oh no xmas has kicked in

  5. Could not get in this am so Cliff and I went for a 10km run fossil time:)