WOD Thursday 08/01/2015

A) 12mins to complete:
4 max rep efforts of handstand push-ups

*Kipping or strict reps are acceptable.
*If scaling choose a strict option you can maintain quality for 5-10reps each set.
*Calculate your rest after each set.


B) For time:
150 Medicine ball lunge steps (alternating), 10kg (6kg)
75 Toes to bar
50 Burpees

Post individual rep efforts for all sets for (Part A), then time and load for (Part B) to comments.





6 Comments on “WOD Thursday 08/01/2015

  1. Welcome back coach have missed you:) Thank you for the belief in me and the encouragement today. Huge thanks to all at 9.15 for the help cheers to Val great woding today and awesome buddy burpees;)

  2. Great effort Val and Sue and Cass. You girls smoked your workouts.

  3. Great to see the improvements in the quality of HSPU’s today. Poor Cass took Jess’s spot in the garden this morning 🙂