WOD Thursday 24/02/2011

As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 mins of:

10 Snatch 40kg (30kg)
10 Knees 2 Elbows
100m Med Ball Run 10kg (5kg)

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28 Comments on “WOD Thursday 24/02/2011

  1. Won’t be in today, uni is back to ruining my life again! Will try and do this at work, but will have to see how I go as it will be peak time.

    • Did the WOD. Between being stopped by people and waiting to get on equipment I got 4 complete rounds (30kg). Won’t call it RxD cause I’m not 100% sure all my K2E were range. Getting better at them though 🙂

  2. bugga lyndal i hate uni 🙂
    its know effecting my life
    Mel u better be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Yep, I’ll be in at 4. Tuesday is the only day uni will be stopping me from getting in.

    • Sorry Smithers, it sucks but at least this subject only runs for 6 weeks. See ya tomorrow at 4pm?

  3. Who feels like brining me a chicken and beef kebab with onion, lettuce, carrot and sour cream to the 9 15 class?

    i reaaly do hope one of you finds it in your heart to do this for me or else i might have to program a double fran for tomorrow

    am i pushing it…?

    hahaha…but seriously 🙂

  4. 5.45am
    Lauren 5+3 (25kg)
    Shane.G 5 (25kg)
    Cyn 5+8 (P/Snatch, 20kg)

    Ryno 7+9 (P/Snatch, 20kg)
    Ali 5+5 (20kg)
    Lynda 5+4 (20kg)
    Trina 4 (30kg)
    Karen 7 (P/Snatch, 20kg)
    Richo 3+5 (30kg)

    Smithers 6+3 (S/Clean, 20kg)
    Kendall 8 (P/Snatch, 20kg)
    Tommy 5+6 (20kg)
    Paula 6+9 (11kg)
    Prince 6+6 (25kg)
    Mel 4+10+10+98m (20kg)

    Dale 5 rds rxd
    Sara 5+10+5 (P/Snatch, 20kg)
    Nicole 5+9 (P/Snatch, 20kg)
    Nipples 6 rds (mod)

    Beck 7 + 10 (20kg)
    Rob W 5 + 10 + 4 (25kg)
    Shano C 5 + 9 RXD
    Lara 6 + 1 (P/S 20kg)
    Tim 7 + 8 (P/S 20kg)
    Scotty T 50+ 8 (25kg)
    Shree 7 + 4 (P/S 20kg)
    Alana 7 + 8 (P/S 25kg & GHD)
    Lee D 6 + 7 (25kg)

  5. I will nick and I will leave it in my car until 4pm….grin……
    Get a hot dog from the muck truck 🙂 🙂

  6. hahaha cheers smithers, yeah looks like im going to have to grab a pie and an ice break

    • *readers please note: this comment was brought to you by Nick Zanki. The day Mick willingly eats a pie and ice break is the day I take my ice skates down to hell and play hockey against the Mighty Ducks, cuz god knows hell would have frozen over with that meal!! 🙂

    • Ummmm Nick?? Did you mean to make Mick say that he was going to get a pie?

  7. hahahahahaha yeah sorry that was meant to be from me!

    im glad tamara im glad!

  8. Thanks for the flattering foto Nick!!
    I was just doing some of Cliff’s Mobility warm down stretches.;)

    • haha don’t thank Nick… Think of it as more of a joint decision between me and Mick… 🙂

  9. Hahaha!! Well then, thanks Mick and Tim Tam. To quote the musical legend Kamahl,” Why are people so unkind?”. 😉
    BTW, Smanners won’t be in tonite, gone to the airport to pick up her cousin. Gunna have to call it a rest day, to be honest I probably need it. See you all at 5:30 tomorro. 🙂

  10. Awww man, new goat: snatches!! I’d be lucky if a third of them actually made range! Funny how they were a weakness of mine, I never worked on them and they’re still a major weakness… Go figure!

  11. I believe it is someone’s special day tomorrow!!!!! I won’t mention any names YET!!!

  12. Don`t be so hard on yourself Mel, at least you give it a good shot.
    I couldn`t even do them 🙁 naughty shoulder.
    Bring it on, c u tomorrow 🙂