WOD Thursday 26/11/2015

Find your best load and overall total for the following:
Clean, 1 rep
Bench press, 1 rep
Overhead squat, 1 rep

-Nominate four loads to attempt on each exercise.
-Clean is from the ground, power or squat.

Post loads and total to comments.



4 Comments on “WOD Thursday 26/11/2015

  1. 50 burpees then:
    4 rounds of-
    * 25 squats
    * 25 strict press (20kg)
    50 push ups

  2. Top effort Russ, keep it up dude!

    So proud of all of the morning crews efforts today, i don’t think i’ve ever seen soooo many PB’s. Great to see everyone listening to the coaches and priding their lifts on quality. Unreal guys!!

  3. Having the best coaches can only make us all shine PBs or not thank you coaches:)