WOD Tuesday 05/05/2015

A) 12mins to find your 5RM:
Front squat


B) EMOTM for 10mins, perform max reps of:
Front squats, (Your choice)

Post loads and total reps for each station to comments.





8 Comments on “WOD Tuesday 05/05/2015

  1. Post sleep in home WOD 🙂

    5 RM FS = 37.5kg (PB!)

    Dips = 50
    FS = 47 @ 20kg

      • Cheers Mick. Also hit my April goal of a 40kg BS but managed 3 so attempted a 1 RM 45kg and nailed it. Wooooo!!!

  2. Never thought i’d see the day Stevero Leece would pull on a guernsey for Crossfit 4551. One of the most cracking air squats i’ve seen, not bad for a 63 year old. Welcome aboard mate 🙂

  3. Sorry to the pm crews, me old mate Rhonda took the photos and can not send them through. Yes I’m palming this one off Rhonda 😉

    • All good she’s worked it out.

      Well done to Jarryd on getting his first m-up tonight!!

  4. WOD:
    10RM of Back squats (70kg)
    7 rounds of
    3 x wall climbers
    20 squats