WOD Tuesday 11/12/2012


Four rounds for time of:
115kg (80kg) Deadlift, 8 reps
16 Burpees
15 foot Rope climb, 3 ascents
Run 600 meters

Post load and time to comments.

British Army Second Lieutenant Ralph Johnson, 24, of South Africa, assigned to the Household Cavalry Regiment, based in Windsor, England, was killed on August 1, 2006, in Helmand province, Afghanistan, when insurgents attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device.

11 Comments on “WOD Tuesday 11/12/2012

  1. 5.30am
    Megzi 26.56 rxd
    Liv 41.13 (60kg)
    Paula 39.20 (70kg)
    Carlie 29.23 mod
    Sarah 35.53 (20kg)
    Corey 31.29 (100kg)

    Cliffo 24.27 rxd
    Mick 21.49 (80kg) mod
    Sue 33.00 (40kg)
    Kurt.N 35.33 rxd
    Lauren.B 35.55 (40kg)
    Hayles 33.10 (65kg)

    Mitch 33.24 (80kg)
    Aido 20.01 rxd
    Lock 19.44 rxd
    Simmo 22.05 (80kg) mod
    Wog 23.26 rxd
    Chase 25.26 rxd
    Daniel 30.42 (20kg)
    J.F.K 23.34 rxd
    Rockstar 21.53 rxd
    Sprucey 31.01 rxd
    Richo 32.30 (80kg)
    Bianca 25.53 rxd
    Pete 28.49 rxd
    Lachy.R 30.16 (mod)
    Shelbs 32.01 (35kg)
    Jenni.P 31.26 (25kg)
    Mel.P 34.10 rxd
    Izzy 30.46 (35kg)

    Smokin 26.00 rxd
    Tanners 24.37 “Baby Ralph”
    Gilli 31.13 (50kg)
    Scotty.E 32.54 rxd
    Tracy 32.15 (20kg)
    Ben 30.40 (60kg)
    Randy 30.39 rxd
    Corina 36.17 rxd
    Karen 28.23 rxd
    Paul.G 28.09 (80kg)
    Michelle 29.12 (50kg)
    Kelly 20.42 (20kg) 3rds

    • Thanks Sue. I’ve gotta give you 9.15’ers something to chase 😉
      I really quite enjoyed this one. Have fun

  2. Was awesome having a buddy beside me while climbing the rope way toooo many times thanks Lauren and once again to Mick and Cliff for helping us all get through a tough one but a good one RIP Ralph we did you proud at 4551!!!

    • Great work Sue, it’s great having someone to chase! 😉 Had a ball with you guys!
      Oh and it was great getting to finally meet you Mick 😀 thanks for the help on the deads.

      • Hahaha nice to finally meet you to Lauren, i’ll try get in a bit more hey 😉

      • You comment was my high light of the day Lauren hope to see ya in the morning session again soon. Welcome to 4551, come get some

  3. cracking arvo sessions! great vibes and encouragement from everyone.
    want to see you all backing up tomorrow 🙂