WOD Wednesday 12/12/2012

Snatch Balance

Post loads for each rep set to comments.

Now this is gonna be good!!

14 Comments on “WOD Wednesday 12/12/2012

  1. Yesterday’s work wod. Strict press and back squats. 3-3-3- 5-3-1 back tomorrow catch ya’ s at the box .

  2. 5.30am
    Savage 30/35/55
    Megzy 25/30/32.5
    Alan 30/35/45
    Lisa Tech
    Chase 55/55/60
    Jacob Tech
    Shano.C 40/50/60
    Sarah Tech
    Carlie 12/22.5/22.5
    Mel.P 30/35/42.5
    Livdogs 30/35/45
    Paula Tech

    Bryce 22.5/27/40
    Sue 20/12/12
    Justin 80/87.5/
    Bianca 45/47.5/47.5
    Pauly 30 across
    Richo 25/35/40
    Tamara 20/25/20

    Aido 40/50/75
    Stu 50/55/60
    Wog 60/70/80
    Hayley 30/35/45
    Cliff 55/65/75
    JFK ?
    Harry ?
    Ryno 30-50kg
    Simmo 30-60kg mod
    Corina & Kurt “Clovis” 1hr 21mins
    Jenni.P tech
    Shelby tech
    Luka 30/40/45
    Brucey 30/35/40

    Scott 40/50/70
    Gilli 27.5/30/35
    Michelle 12/12/20
    Karen 20/25/32.5
    Pete 35/45/50
    Lachy.R 12/12/20
    Rachel 12/20/22.5
    Ben 35/45/50

    • Well done morning crew good to see people more concerned about quality over quantity. A piece of advice for other people doing the WOD today is to know your numbers so that you utilise the whole session to get the weight/load you are aiming for.

  3. Had a two hour gap at work so I decided to tackle Clovis!
    Rowed instead of run and did the 16 k’s straight out.

    Burpee pull ups were a killer at the end!

    1 hour 37 minutes 55 seconds!

  4. OK I finally got back to the gym…Left Knee still got a bit of swelling so not doing too much yet….1k row then 15mins of Deadlift and dumbbell bench press…

  5. Hi everyone, just thought I’d let you all know the Mensand ladies Nanos are in!!!
    We now have the Mens orange and the mens Black and the ladies berry colour Blue is still to come next week, so get in and get your Nanos Guys!!!

  6. Hey, couldn’t get in yester or today, but did yesterday’s wod in 27.48, 60kg for dead lift, that’s all the weight I have at home, 10 pushups on my toes instead of rope, and 600 m run on treadmill on 11, see yas for the crazy ass wod tomorrow omg