WOD Tuesday 13/01/2015

20mins to set monthly goals then work skills. You should:

-Bring them into the gym with you.
-Set goals that are realistic, specific and achievable for the month of January.
-Set 2-3 goals that are specific to your health and fitness.
-Put them up on the board in the time allocated.


For time:
75 Kettlebell swings, 24kg (16kg)
Run 1.6km
75 Kettlebell swings

Post load and time to comments.






9 Comments on “WOD Tuesday 13/01/2015

  1. Cracking video! Whoever pulls early take these instructions!!!

    • Thank you Mick that means alot to me I appreciate your belief in me 🙂

      • Onya Sue nice one mate…And Naomi pulled out another RXD too!! 2 in one week. Must be something in the water 🙂