WOD Tuesday 15/09/2015

Well done and congrats to all of our athletes who competed at the “Duel desire” competition over the weekend!!


A) 15mins to find your 1RM:

-From the racks.

B) For sets and time:
70 Toes to bar

Post loads, sets and time to comments.



7 Comments on “WOD Tuesday 15/09/2015

  1. Happy Birthday to my hubby Darrell and congrats to the guys on your weekend Comp awesome:)

  2. Happy birthday darrell, hope you have a great day! Well done to everyone on the weekend 🙂

  3. Happy Birthday Darrell !!! Have a great day 🙂
    Well done to our team and individuals for their successes on the weekend 🙂

  4. Darrell would like to thank you all for your kind wishes 🙂

  5. My wod today was 1hr 20min of tennis .
    Well done to everyone today!