WOD Tuesday 29/07/2014

30-20-10 reps for time of: 
Shoulder to Overhead 50kg (35kg)
Hang Clean 50kg (35kg)

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8 Comments on “WOD Tuesday 29/07/2014

  1. It was VERY hard to get motivated in my shed this morning but I managed 5 rounds of ring dips, cleans and push ups. I finished with 3 x max sets of ring push ups. Miss having you guys training with me! Will try and get a clock set up so I can start recording times. Also looking for a running route that I don’t get chased by dogs on!

    P.S I ♡ Camille xx

  2. Second ever official DNF. First one pissed me off. This one I’m going to learn from. I lost focus a few days ago with my eating and my mind set and have just been winging it because I’m usually fairly in shape. Quitting today happened more in my head than it did physically but all the little things in my body that didn’t want to play today were stronger than the voice in my head that always overcomes them. Pushing through when you’re already done in your head is ridiculous.
    Anyway, I’ll reset, work on my focus, step up my nutrition and come back. Of course.
    Trying to learn.
    P.S. I love Camille too.

  3. Lyndal your awesome we miss you guys too:( Martin your not alone I’m always trying to learn and reset my nutrition and get back on track good for you for be honest.
    P.S I love Camille too;)

  4. We all have those days Marty. Chin up mate

  5. Onya Dalski and chin up Marty it’s just another WOD mate. I love Rich!

  6. Bianca you made my day I don’t care what you do I just love seeing you at 4551 I missed you:)xo

  7. Great to see 63 of our members through the gates today. Everyone worked super hard for quality setup and execution on all movements, great to watch!!