WOD Wednesday 04/06/2014



For time:

100 Pull-ups

100 Push-ups

100 Sit-ups

100 Squats


Post time to comments.


Will meets Wil 😉







9 Comments on “WOD Wednesday 04/06/2014

  1. Aww I love Angie! If my tail bone isn’t all better tomorrow I might shred some tears 🙁

    • Shit Shano nice time and that’s one word I’ve never used to describe that WOD. When you back in mate??

  2. Hahahaha you been hangin with Sue too much Matty!?

    And yes well done Shelbs 😉

  3. Hahahah just had to make the message clear coach that I came in again and did the row. Pretty chuffed for my time . First time I have done a 5km row for time . Yewww