WOD Tuesday 18/09/2018

5 Rounds for time of:
5 Dumbbell hang snatch (left)
5 Dumbbell hang snatch (right)
5 Dumbbell thrusters
Run 200m

Men: 30kg
Women: 20kg

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WOD Monday 17/09/2018

10 1-minute rounds of:
25 squats
Max reps of clean and jerks, 70kg (45kg)

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

Post load and number of clean & jerks completed each round to comments.

WOD Saturday 15/08/2018

Individually or in pairs complete the following,

5 Rounds for time:
20 Wallball shots, 10kg (6kg)
20 Sumo deadlift high pull, 35kg (25kg)
20 Box-jumps, 20″ (16″)
20 Push press, 35kg (25kg)
20 Calorie row

Post loads and time to comments.

WOD Friday 14/08/2018

Overhead squat

-Bar taken from the racks.

Post loads for working sets to comments.

WOD Thursday 13/09/2018

5 2-minute rounds of:
10 burpees
200m sprint
Max-rep burpees

Rest 3 minutes between rounds.

Post number of burpees completed after the sprint each round to comments.

WOD Wednesday 12/09/2018

For time:
100m Walking lunge
100 Push-ups
100 Medicine ball cleans, 10kg (6kg)
100 Pull-ups
100m Walking lunge

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WOD Tuesday 11/09/2018

What an awesome experience it was to be there for Traci and Sara’s first ever WOD together!! To think 2 years ago, Traci’s back issues were so severe that her long term goal was to be able to get out on a kayak and paddle with minimal pain, and now she is not only a badass crossfitter, but her daughter also started crossfit 12 months ago in Brisbane. Awesome work, girls. We love seeing all the new stuff you find yourself being capable of achieving every week, Traci!! Keep kicking goals!!


21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlift, 100kg (75kg)
Handstand push-ups

-15min cap.

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