WOD Tuesday 24/10/2017

7 x 2min rounds of:
Row 20 (15) cals
Max reps, push jerk, 70kg (50kg)

Rest precisely 2mins between rounds.

Rx’d+ 80kg (55kg)

Post load and reps completed to comments.

WOD Monday 23/10/2017

A) Snatch balance

B) Snatch

C) Snatch pull

Post all 12 working sets to comments.

WOD Saturday 21/10/2017

Individually or in pairs complete the following,

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time:
Ring dips
Overhead squats, 42.5kg (30kg)

Rx’d+ Strict dips/ 52.5kg (35kg)

Post load and time to comments.


WOD Friday 20/10/2017

4 Rounds each for time of:
25 GHD Sit-ups
3 Rope ascents, 15ft
12 Alternating dumbbell lunges, 2x25kg (2x15kg)

-Dumbbell lunge held in a front rack position.
-Only experienced conditioned athletes complete GHDS.

Post load and individual times for each round to comments.


WOD Thursday 19/10/2017


Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes perform:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

If you fall behind the clock keep going for 30 minutes and see how many rounds you can complete.

If you’ve finished the workout before, this time add +1 rep to each exercise, i.e., 6 pull-ups, 11 push-ups, and 16 squats each minute, and see if you can go the full 30 minutes.

Post results to comments.

WOD Wednesday 18/10/2017

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Push press, 60kg (42.5kg)
Hang power clean, 60kg (42.5kg)

-One bar, one load.

Post load and time to comments.

WOD Tuesday 17/10/2017


A) Back squat

-From the racks.

B) Strict press

-From the racks.

C) Weighted pull-up

-Strict reps only.

Superset reps.

Post loads for each exercise to comments.